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Death Rider (The Rider Series Book 2) Page 2

  “So, how are you doing? It’s been a while since I saw you both?”

  “We’re settling in. It’s been good to have some normality after… Well, after, all that happened. And you won again! You’re unstoppable.” Hilary blushes. The season had been very successful for her so far, Adam and I’d watched her win many times, crowded around the laptop when there were live feeds and applauding when we saw her name appear in the show results in Horse and Hound.

  “I’ve been very lucky… I think Adam could be as good. He has natural skills…” She stops.


  “Kate, I know his place is here, but he’s very skilled. I would like to have him spend some time on my yard. He could bring Oscar, but it would help him develop. But I know that you are only just together…”

  “Hilary, of course. If it’s going to be best for him, it will do us good in the long run for the yard. We’ve discussed it and agreed. I appreciate you giving him the opportunity.”

  “I know, but. Well… You’re not…?”

  “What?” I laughed. “Hilary, I’ll miss him, but I know he’ll be coming back. This is a major opportunity for him. A once in a lifetime chance. We would both be kicking ourselves if we turned it down.”

  “Oh goodness, thank you… I was really worried. As you say, it won’t be forever and he can come back as often as he wishes, but I find it would be best if he lives and works with us. If he becomes part of the yard, he can come to shows with us and we can put him up as the season progresses.”

  “I just ask one thing… Don’t you steal him from me…” Hilary looked shocked, starting to stutter something when I cut her off, laughing. “Don’t you worry! I know he only has eyes for me…”


  An Honest Day’s Work


  “This is a massive opportunity for you.”

  “No… I don’t want to… Not yet!” Adam crosses his arms, shaking his head.

  “Adam Bishop. One of the top riders in the UK has given you the chance to work with her, a unique opportunity to learn from a top rider. If you are so stubborn that you turn this down… I’ll…”

  “You’ll what?” I notice the smile at the corner of his lips and it infuriates me.

  “Well, let’s just say you would regret it…”

  “Would I now?” He leaps up grabbing my arms, leaning in, he reaches below my armpits. I gasp and scream as he tickles me. “Come on Katie… How are you going to make me regret it?”

  Tears are running down my face, I’m stuttering, desperate to breathe. “Please… Mercy… Oh, God Adam… Stop it I’ll wet myself!”

  * * *

  “How did you convince him?”

  “Let’s just say we reached an agreement.” I’d been expecting Hilary’s call. Adam had initially politely rejected her offer. Then, a day later he had called back apologetically asking if the offer was still available, that he’d been stupid… In fact, he’d said everything I’d told him to say. I’d set him an ultimatum that unless he wanted to start living alone in an old caravan, we had left on the land he had better say yes to Hilary’s offer.

  “And you’re okay with this? I take it by your long pause that you are sort of okay with it.”

  “Oh sorry, no, Hilary. Look this is amazing for both Adam and me. I mustn’t be selfish. He won’t be far away and he will come home when he can.”

  “But you’ll still miss him. I understand and can appreciate it. This will not be forever, but he is a skilled rider it would be a waste to not let him develop his skills. I’ll look after him.”

  “Thank you. For everything. I’m sorry for making a fuss.”

  “Kate, not at all…”

  * * *

  It was mid-morning when the horsebox pulled into the yard. It was covered in sponsorship messages and I recognised it immediately as Hilary’s. Her groom, Sally was driving and she hopped down from the cab and came across to me, giving me a firm hug.

  “Hello, stranger! How are you doing? Nothing too exciting happened to you recently I hope?”

  “Sally, we have led a beautifully boring life, no gangsters, no attempts on our life!”

  “So, is he ready?”

  I paused. I was doing my best to hold it all together, however, today was the day Adam would be leaving. We’d agreed it would be best for both of us, and it would be great for the business, however, the thought that my husband would not be by my side for the coming months was still tough. I’d done my best to put a good face on it and I knew that Adam had done the same.

  He was leading Oscar out across the yard, legs bandaged and rugged up to protect him on the two-hour journey across the Yorkshire Dales to Hilary’s yard on the outskirts of Harrogate. Sally walked to the rear of the box, unbolting the ramp and taking Oscar, she led him on board, ensuring he was secure. The horse seemed to be the only one not fazed by what was happening as he started to tuck into the hay net which had been hung for him.

  Sally took Adam’s holdall and placed it in the living area of the box. It was clear the time had come to say goodbye. I tried to be brave, hugging Adam telling him to be good. Sally had climbed back into the cab and was watching intently in the side mirror as we embraced.

  Adam got into the cab, slamming the door and they were off. I stood watching the horsebox as it left the yard.

  “He’ll be back before you know it…” Emily put her arm around my shoulders. That was it, I’d been so strong up to that point but now my shoulders were shuddering and tears were splashing on my cheeks. “Come on. We’ve finished the morning stables and are going up for breakfast. Don’t be alone.”

  Emily led me towards the staff flat, it was strange to be back amongst them, but it was as if I’d never left their ranks. The grooms set a plate in front of me and dished up sausage and beans along with piles of toast. They were all soon laughing and joking, their infectious enthusiasm was impossible to ignore.

  * * *

  “You’re very quiet…” Sally had turned the radio down as we approached the main road, and as we stopped at a junction she turned and looked at me.

  “Sorry, I’m not a great person to be around at the moment.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re getting homesick already, we’re not more than a few miles away? Look you soppy git, I get it, you are having to leave Kate for a while and I have been firmly told that you are off-limits. More’s the pity. Oh, I didn’t get a smile there, did I? You are going to get the chance to ride with an amazing teacher, and Hilary isn’t bad either.” She laughed.

  “Okay… I’m sorry. Let’s start again. You know what, I’m really excited to work with Hilary. I just need to get over myself.”

  “Good! You should be excited, and I’m glad to hear you are! I’m not having a miserable working pupil. Ah… Did this not get fully explained to you? You aren’t getting free riding lessons you know. You have to work. Your ass is mine babe! I’m the head girl and you are the lowest of the low. If there is a job too dirty, or too nasty even for me… Well, guess what?”

  “I thought I was going to be riding?”

  “And ride you will. But, as you well know, with horses you don’t just ride. So, you will also muck out, and groom and dig and sweep…” She laughed. “Your face!”

  “Oh, I can work as hard as anyone…”

  “Glad to hear it, cos’ you are my stable bitch!”

  “I tell you what… I’m looking forward to it… Bring it on, boss!”

  Ice properly broken, Sally turned up the radio and we both started to sing along, badly, to the pop song being played.

  * * *

  “We’re here…”

  “I’ll get out and do the gates.”

  “No need…” Sally reached up and pressed a button on a remote which was attached to the sun-visor. The gates started to slowly open.

  “Oh, very posh…”

  The yard was small but beautiful. There was a line of wooden stables in an L shape, the horses started to wicker and call as the
box drove onto the yard, clearly interested in the new arrival. Oscar stood for a moment looking around at his new surroundings. It was just as it had been when I’d come here before, the yard was immaculate, with a circle of grass in front of the stables and flowerbeds in bloom as well as hanging baskets overflowing with bright flowers.

  We led Oscar into a large stable, quickly removing his bandages and rug. He rolled in the fresh shavings before turning to start eating the hay net which was hanging at the rear of the box.

  Sally closed the door. “Let me show you around. Tack room.” We looked inside, the saddles and bridles were hanging on stands with polished brass nameplates, I noticed an empty slot with a plaque with ‘Steel Secret’ above it. “I’ll introduce you to each of the horses properly later. Let’s put your stuff away.”

  We walked across the yard; Sally pointed out the beautiful farmhouse where Hilary lived. It was covered in wisteria and had a simple garden in front. Next was the grooms’ cottage where Sally herself lived. It was small, but, as she said herself, perfectly cosy particularly on winter evenings. Finally, we turned the corner, and there, beside a sprawling muck heap was a static caravan. My heart sank as we waded through ankle-deep mud to the mouldy looking unit. Opening the door, dreaming it may look better inside was a massive disappointment. To her credit, Sally looked somewhat sheepish.

  “Look. I’m sorry, it’s not great…”

  “Sally, it’s fine. I threw my bag down. Ignoring the patches of mould on the walls and the all-pervading smell of damp, I’ll be working hard, this is just somewhere to lay my head. Come on, there must be work to be done. Set me at it…”

  Sally smiled and led me back onto the yard, soon enough we were grooming and tacking up and she took me out on horseback to show me the land which surrounded the stables. I was impressed by the large lake surrounded by forest.

  “That’s Swinsty reservoir, huge, isn’t it? Makes for some nice hacks. But don’t get too comfortable, most of the time you will be working hard in the yard.”

  “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

  “If you mean, I have a handsome slave at my beck and call virtually twenty-four hours a day… Yes, I am enjoying this!” She pushed her horse on into a canter, I laughed and rode to catch up.

  “Handsome?” I laughed to myself before pushing the horse on.

  * * *

  “Ah, you’re back. Sorry I couldn’t be here to greet you. I’d things to do. I hope Sally has taken you under her wing.”

  “Yes. Sally has taken me under her boot, if not her wing!” Hilary glared at her groom. I carried on. “No, she has assured me that I will learn lots and work hard. I am looking forward to doing both. I am sure she is a very fair taskmaster.”

  “Oh, I think she can be a tyrant. I do remember the last working pupil. The girl from Germany.”

  “I did nothing wrong!” Sally shook her head.

  “The least said about that… Okay, Adam, let’s get you up on Oscar, let me see you ride again and then we can discuss a training plan.”

  * * *

  It was many hours later when I finally slumped through the door of my caravan, pulling off my boots and sinking into the lumpy sofa. I’d spent almost three hours under the close scrutiny of Hilary, most of the time without stirrups, to allow me to develop my seat. After this, I’d exercised three other horses, swept down the yards, made hay nets and fed. Sally was a hard worker and, despite all the bravado, very fair and we worked side by side getting the tasks done.

  Sally had laughed when I started yawning at the end of it all, saying I’d become unused to proper hard work as I had staff to do it all for me. Honestly, I had to agree, I’d looked after my horses for many years, but had never been a working pupil myself. I’d always tried to treat my pupils fairly and had heard many horror stories of unscrupulous stable owners taking advantage of young grooms who wanted to get a foothold in a tough industry.

  The position was simple, you were given lodgings and training in exchange for your body in the form of many hours of hard work at least six days a week from dawn to dusk. Hilary was one of the top riders in the UK, I was sure that a training place was a rare thing and I hated to think about how many people would give anything to be in my boots. I was not averse to hard work; however, it was clear I needed to get used to it.

  It had been many hours since I’d started the day, and, except for a couple of biscuits grabbed with a brew earlier, I hadn’t eaten. I dragged myself up and stepped into the kitchen area. I was not sure who had last been in the caravan, but the cupboards were bare. I swore under my breath, I was miles from anywhere, with no car and no food. However, I was far too tired to eat.

  I’d slumped down onto the sofa once more when there was a gentle knock at the door. I stood up, opening the door to see Sally standing holding a casserole dish with oven gloves.

  “Hello… I realised we didn’t stop to eat and I stupidly didn’t give you a chance to get any supplies in. I can’t let you starve.”

  “Oh, come in, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  Sally put the dish down. “I warn you, I’m no cook.”

  “It looks like food, that’ll do for me.”

  “Okay, well… I’ll leave you to eat something in peace.” Sally turned towards the door.

  “Don’t feel you have to run away unless there are things you need to do?”

  “I have a pile of laundry which I’m too tired to tackle.”

  “Come and join me… I could do with the company.”

  Sally found dishes and cutlery, dishing up portions of a very tasty lasagne, it was clear that she had hidden talent. Just before she sat down, Sally walked into the kitchen, removing a panel between two cupboards she pulled out a bottle of wine.

  “Ah-ha… I thought Gerta had something hidden here.” She unscrewed the top of the German white, taking a deep swig from the bottle. “It’ll do…”

  We chatted as we ate, draining the bottle of sweet wine, after an hour or so, she stood up. “I’m knackered, and you have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

  “Yes, miss…”

  “Oh, now I like that… Glad you know your place!” She laughed and I showed her to the door, just as she was stepping out, she turned and kissed me deeply. “Good night sexy…”

  I stood back, slightly shocked, but put it down to the wine.

  * * *

  “So how are you?”

  “It’s great Kate…” I’d called Kate who sounded just about as tired as me. I filled her in with some of the details and she gave me an update on our yard. My mind kept slipping back to Sally’s kiss. It was just some drunken thing. I shook my head, both Kate and I were soon yawning so we wished each other good night and I hung up the phone.

  I held the phone in my hand for a minute, wishing I’d Kate here to hold instead, however, resigned to my fate I walked into the tiny bedroom. There were fresh bedsheets in the cupboard so I quickly made the bed and almost as rapidly fell asleep.

  * * *

  Sally lay in bed, her curtains were open and she could see the caravan below, the bedroom light had just been extinguished. She looked back down at her phone, flicking through the images she had secretly taken of Adam during the day. She sighed, switching off the bedside lamp.